Congratulations to our Super Committed, Committed and NEW Mega Committed Club members for the month of March! You guys are showing up and taking care of business!
So, what exactly is this "Committed Club"?
Answer this: How committed are you to your overall health and fitness? 3 days a week in the gym can help you to maintain your fitness level and avoid significant weight gain. However, significant progress will happen on the 4th & 5th day!! In 2021, we created our “Committed” and “Super Committed” clubs and then you guys really SHOWED UP so we added the "Mega Committed" club. When you come 5+ days a week, you will land in the Mega Committed category! The mental mindset shift from planning 3 days of working out to 4-5+ days reveals a lot about one’s commitment to prioritizing their health both inside and outside of the gym! Which club will you be in this month?! Make sure to Check-in each time you come to the gym! You can do this on the iPad at the front desk OR on the big screen in the gym!